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General Skills

General Skills Skills represent a character’s training and experience at performing certain tasks. General skills are used for making checks to perform tasks throughout their adventures. Some checks have the Secret trait. These checks are rolled by the GM behind the screen. To find a character’s skill modifier, add the following. Skill modifier = the skill’s ability modifier + proficiency bonus + other bonuses + penalties

Player Core pg 225


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General Skills
[Image: An elf inspects some potions] Skills represent a character's training and experience at performing certain tasks.
[Image: A gnome leaps across a chasm accompanied with her bird friend] General skills are used for making checks to perform tasks throughout their adventures.
[Image: A hooded GM peers over a GM screen] Some checks have the Secret trait. These are rolled by the GM behind the screen.
To find a character's skill modifier, add the following:
The skill's ability modifier [Image: A fist that stands for Strength, boot for Dexterity, hearts for Constitution, brain for Intelligence, owl for Wisdom, and flower for Charisma] plus the proficiency bonus [Image: Four stars signifying Legendary skill training] plus other bonuses [Image: A condition icon with music notes for Bardic Inspiration] plus penalties [Image: A condition icon showing a sickened face] equals the Skill modifier
Player Core pg 225
Simply PF2e, created by Quinn L. Stone and product of Eldritch Osiris Games
#16, posted October 26th, 2022


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