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Condition: Hidden

Condition: Hidden [Image: Two green kobolds hide behind crates and barrels with the bard's hat while the barbarian tries to find them.] When you know what square a creature is in, but not exactly where it is, that creature is Hidden. To find the hidden creature, you will need to use the Seek action, or roll to see if you can guess where the creature is before making an attack. If the hidden creature targets you, you gain the Flat-Footed condition. Hidden, CRB pg 620 Simply PF2e, created by Quinn L. Stone and product of Eldritch Osiris Games #68, posted May 5th, 2023
Two green kobolds hide behind crates and barrels with the Maurice the Bard's hat while the Barbra the Barbarian tries to find them.

NOTE: "Flat-Footed" has been renamed to "Off-Guard". This condition still follows the same rules.

Player Core pg 434, 444

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Archive of Nethys:



Panel Alternate Text

Condition: Hidden

[Image: Two green kobolds hide behind crates and barrels with the bard's hat while the barbarian tries to find them.] When you know what square a creature is in, but not exactly where it is, that creature is Hidden.

To find the hidden creature, you will need to use the Seek action, or roll to see if you can guess where the creature is before making an attack.

If the hidden creature targets you, you gain the Flat-Footed condition.

Player Core pg 434, 444

Simply PF2e, created by Quinn L. Stone and product of Eldritch Osiris Games

#68, posted May 5th, 2023



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